How Do I Find Puff Puff Near Me?

Puff puff are a totally unique type of food that can be enjoyed both sweet and savoury. After trying them or even just reading about them, it’s no surprise to see people wanting more – and asking, “how do I find puff puff near me?!” Read on as we cover all the ins and outs of this all-important question – and get you one step closer to those delicious doughnut-like balls!

Why can’t I find puff puff near me?

First of all, why is it so difficult to find puff puff nearby in the UK? The first part of the answer is their West African origin. While there’s some friendly debate about whether puff puff originated in Nigeria, Cameroon or even Ghana, they certainly didn’t come from Nottingham, Cardiff or Glasgow! Like any cuisine from another country, they can be a little harder to find than your local delicacies. It’s also down to novelty. Puff puff is relatively new on the scene, meaning that not everyone has cottoned on to just how good they are. As a result, there aren’t enough places selling puff puff to find them on every local high street just yet – although could there ever be enough puff puff in the world?

Where to find puff puff near you

So, without further ado, let’s look at some ways you can get your hands on some delicious puff puff…

Visit local markets

Local food markets are some of the best places to find those lesser spotted foodie delights. At gwafuvegan, we’ve had stalls at Grub, Levy Markets and other spots in and around Manchester with a view to spreading our love of West African food. Wherever you’re based in the UK, it’s always worth checking your local food markets and the vendors on offer.

Head to the city

Generally speaking, you’ll find a wider range of cuisines in big cities compared to smaller towns and villages. That’s simply down to diversity, with London leading the way as you might expect. Southwark has the largest Nigerian-born community, for example, at over 13,000 people. That’s followed by Manchester with 6,444 and Birmingham with 3,399. With that in mind, your nearest puff puff may well be in one of these bustling urban hubs. Search for West African restaurants and cafes online in your nearest city and see what you find.


Okay, so you can’t find any puff puff near you? Get it delivered instead. With gwafuvegan, you can get fast delivery across the UK. Choose from a selection of puff puff online, and they’ll be sent out via next-day delivery for you to enjoy on Friday.

Make your own…

Last but not least is the DIY method. You can make puff puff at home with simple ingredients and equipment that most kitchens already have. We’ve put together a simple puff puff recipe with step-by-step instructions to make things easier, and even the option of sweet or savoury.

Things to look for…

Of course, not all puff puff are created equal. If you find yourself with a few different options to choose between, here are some of the things that can narrow down your choice of local puff puff…


Puff puff can be sweet or savoury, served on their own or as a side dish. As a result, it’s no surprise that people are keen to try a few different flavours. Don’t just settle for the first puff puff you find. Look for somewhere with a good selection, such as chocolate, cinnamon, cranberry alongside the classic puff puff.


When food products become more popular, it’s only a matter of time before people jump on the bandwagon and start adding them to their repertoire. That’s fine – but it can impact the quality if you’ve got a generic restaurant making puff puff just for the sake of it. Ideally, you should look for authentic West African puff puff – including Nigerian, Cameroonian and Ghanaian.

Dietary requirements

Made with flour, yeast and oil, puff puff are naturally vegan. However, some of the toppings or accompaniments might not be. If you’re vegan or just want to enjoy this snack completely guilt-free, it’s best to look for places that use 100% vegan ingredients. On top of that, anyone with coeliac disease or a gluten intolerance will need to make sure that puff puff are made with gluten-free flour. Thankfully, this is entirely possible, which is why we offer a range of gluten-free puff puff on our online store.

Try puff puff wherever you are!

If you’re ready to try puff puff, gwafuvegan has you covered. Order puff puff online to get your sweet or savoury fix. All packages are made fresh to order and delivered with clear and simple reheating instructions. Alternatively, if you’re based in or around Manchester, you can try a range of delicious West African dishes at one of our upcoming events. Check our site for updates or follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop.


4 Popular Vegan West African Dishes You Must Try - gwafuvegan


Making Puff Puff – A Beginner’s Guide