Okra soup with Sorghum Pap

Sorghum is a gluten-free, highly nutritious grain from Africa often used to make porridge or beer. Sorghum has a slightly sweet flavour and a chewy texture, making it a versatile ingredient in many dishes.

 Okra is an ingredient that has been grown and eaten for thousands of years in Africa. The exact date of its discovery is unknown, but it is thought to have been a part of African diets as early as the 12th century. This vegetable has long been valued for its nutritional value and ability to be cooked in many different ways.

 Most tribes across Africa have their own unique way of cooking this beloved vegetable.

In South Africa, for instance, the Tshivenda tribe prepares okra soup simply with onions, tomatoes, and spinach, which are then boiled until all the flavours combine to create an aromatic broth.

Meanwhile, in West Africa, like Cameroon, palm oil and crayfish are added to build flavour. We've taken on the challenge of developing a vegan version of the okra soup, and it tastes just as delicious.


Give this meal a try, see the recipe below!

Okra soup recipe

Serves: 4 people

Vegan / gluten free


Stage 1

●        1 tbsp tomato puree

●        3 tbsp vegetable oil

●        ½ veg stock cube

●        1 maggie cube (optional)

●        100ml water

Stage 2

●        1 white onion – diced

●        1 tsp vegan fish sauce / soy sauce

Stage 3

●        25g dried mushrooms

●        100g hot water

Stage 4

●        435g Okra – chopp off tops and rough chop (109g of this pulse in a blender – do not blend fully)

●        1 maggie cube (optional)

●        200ml warm water

●        ¼ tsp cayenne pepper

●        Salt to taste


Sorghum Pap recipe

Serves: 6- 8 people


•            Medium pot

•            Wood spoon


7 cups water / 1656ml

4 cups sorghum flour  / 544g

Okra soup prep work

-   Soak the mushrooms in stage 3 in the hot water and leave to stand for at least 20 minutes to soften. Once softened, blend into a paste and put to one side.


Okra soup method:

1.       In a medium/large pan place all the ingredients except the water in stage 1 into the pan and fry on medium-high heat for 2 minutes, continuously stirring. Add the 100ml of water and cook for a further 2 minutes.

2.       Next add all of stage 2 to the pan and fry cook down to a further 5 minutes until onions have softened.

3.       Add the blended mushrooms from stage 3 into the pan and bring back up to a simmer and cook down for 5 minutes.

4.       Add all of stage 4  into the pan and bring to a simmer and let it cook for 15/20 minutes just enough so the okra has softened.

5.       While the Okra is cooking, time to make Sorghum Pap.

6. Once cooked serve everything hot.

Sorghum Pap method:

  1. In a large bowl, mix the 1 cup of sorghum flour with 2 cups of cold water to make a thick paste. Mix well to ensure that there are no lumps.

  2. In a medium pot, bring the remaining 5 cups of water to a boil. Gradually pour the sorghum paste into the boiling water, constantly stirring to prevent lumps from forming.

  3. Reduce the heat to low and continue stirring for about 5 minutes until the mixture thickens.

  4. Cover the pot and let it simmer for an additional 10 minutes until the pap is smooth and creamy. Remove the lid and  reduce the heat to avoid the bottom of the pot from burning.

  5. Gradually add 1 cup of sorghum flour with your preferred hand while stirring with the other. Mix and pound until the flour is evenly distributed. Then, add the final 2 cups of sorghum flour, one at a time while stirring and pounding to achieve a thick porridge consistency.

  6. Cover with a lid once more and cook for a further 10 minutes. Remove the lid and give it another good stir. Scoop a preferred amount into a bowl to serve with okra soup.

  7. Note: You can adjust the consistency of the sorghum pap by adding more or less water.  To store sorghum pap:  scoop it into a large bowl or container, cover it with a clean cloth and keep it in a cool dry place for up to 2 days.  When you're ready to serve, cut it into slices.


Note: The consistency of the sorghum pap can be adjusted by adding more water for a thinner consistency or more sorghum flour for a thicker consistency. Scoop sorghum pap into a big bowl or container, cover it with a clean cloth and store in a cool, dry place for up to 2 days. When ready to serve, cut it into slices.


Pound Cake


Cameroonian Pap (Corn porridge)