Jollof rice


Jollof rice is a very famous rice-based dish in the West African community. Each country has their own variation. The most popular are usually Ghanaian, Nigerian and Cameroonian.

When growing up, I was told by my parents that each country claims they created the dish and the other countries followed. Naturally, each country thinks their version is the best! While nobody has every started a fight when it comes to jollof rice, things can get tense in a heated debate.

Jollof rice traditionally consists of rice, cooking oil and vegetables – such as tomato, onion, red pepper, garlic, ginger and scotch bonnet chilli peppers. Tomato puree is added to enhance the colour and overall taste of the dish. Then, depending on the region, the type of spices used are commonly salt, stock cubes, nutmeg, fresh herbs, curry powder and dried thyme. Some even use red bell peppers blended in with the chopped tomato for added sweetness and thickness.

Because of this, the dish is already traditionally vegan. The only meat would be as a side or added at the end, such as chicken, turkey, beef or fish.

The recipe below is inspired by the Cameroonian version of jollof rice. Growing up it was a huge staple in the house and one of the first African dishes my mum showed me how to cook – in part because it’s so simple to make. You can serve this dish at any occasion and it will go down a storm. It can be eaten on its own, as a side dish or with a side salad to add a bit more freshness.

I hope you enjoy cooking it and, as always, I’d love to see the end results – send your pictures through to us @gwafuvegan and we’ll share it on our social media pages!



Vegan | Gluten free

Serves 4

Prep time: 15 mins

Cooking time: 35 mins

Total time: 50 mins


Step 1

2 tbsp. rapeseed oil

½ Large onion – diced

¼” size piece of ginger

½ Lemon zest

1 garlic glove

½ tsp nutmeg

1 tsp dried coriander

1 tsp allspice

1 tsp dried thyme

1 tsp cumin

Stage 2

½  400g tin chopped tomatoes  

1 tsp tomato puree

100ml of veg stock

pinch of salt

pinch of pepper

Stage 3

300g basmati rice

100g of fresh green peas

300ml veg stock


Garnish with

Red chili to garnish

Spring onion to garnish


Prep beforehand:

-          ½ veg stock cube – mixed in with 400ml of water

-          Use 100ml for stage 2 and 300ml for stage 3.



1.    Stage 1 – Fry the onions in the oil for 2 to 3 mins on a medium heat. Then add the ginger, lemon zest and all the spices to the pan and fry for a further 1 to 2 mins. If the spices start to stick add a splash of the stock water to the pan and mix in.

2.    Stage 2 – Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato puree and 100ml of veg stock to the pan then mix till combined. Turn up the heat and bring to the boil. Once it’s boiled, reduce down to a simmer and let it cook for 10-15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

3.    Add the peas, basmati rice and the rest of the stock to the pan, stir until well combined. Increase the heat till it starts to gently simmer. Place the lid on top and let it cook for 15 mins, do not lift the lid!

4.    Turn off the heat, leave the lid on and let it finish cooking for another 10 mins.

5.    Serve rice hot with your side salad and top with red chilis and spring onion.



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